Monday, the granite guy called to come put in our NEW COUNTERTOPS! Yes, its worthy of ALL CAPS, it is GRANITE! How exciting! We might be able to make some money on this house one day if we spend enough...hmmm...hopefully we will make more than we spend. Anyway, that's another story for another day.
Today, the guys were supposed to come at 2 PM, so Matt took off work to come home and wait on them (thank goodness, because i had so much to do planning my trip to NEW YORK--err... working hard on the conference i have to help with this weekend, that's what i was working on, of course, all day long). Anyway, that's another story too.
So Matt spent all day "working from home" only to find out the guys didn't show up til about 5:45 tonight. They wanted to reschedule for next week, but HELLO, we took everything out of our cabinets and can't cook til this gets done, because you know I'm not bringing everything back out then having to put it all up again when they want to come. So Spencer is over at Nana's house, and here I sit, watching 2 guys dismantle my kitchen countertops, in hopes that the granite will get put in tonight and I will be able to put hot things directly down on my counters. What an invention!
In case you are into GRANITE, we are getting Ubba Tuba, a black GRANITE that is aparently uber-popular right now. where do you mine for granite anyway? But here is the question Is Ubba Tuba going to be the Harvest Gold of the last 70's. My parents have it at their house, as do tons of houses built at the same time. While it doesn't bother me to see harest gold in a house, you all do know what i'm talking about because it's what all the cool houses were getting. So, is Ubba Tuba going to date our house to the 2000's and 2010's? Hopefully we will not be here when it is dated, because if we are, you might not be able to walk through our front door. This house, as much as it was perfect, though tight, for a young childless couple, is being taken over by a little 23 lb being, and it is only going to get worse!
OK, countertops are off and the guys are mumbling (sometimes cussing). I didn't build the counters in the first place, but evidently whoever did did something weird or wrong or somhow made their jobs harder. But, so far, i don't think they have broken my tile backsplash, set on a diagnol, which we got a special deal on because the tile we chose was discontinues. So, fingers crossed, say a prayer, and let's get this thing DONE, boys!