Sunday, May 30, 2010

It wasn't a fluke!

So, for 3 days straight, except for this morning when i got there in time to divert him, Spencer has climbed out of the crib. After the first morning, we were hoping it was just an accident and that he would "forget" how he did it. But it wasn't meant to be. The funny thing is, yesterday after his nap, he didn't even try to get out! I don't know if he associates being able to get out in the morning with being able to get out anytime. Or maybe he just decided it isn't worth it!

Nevertheless, we decided it was time to spring for a big boy bed. Rather than get a toddler bed now and have to get a new crib mattress and then have to buy ANOTHER bed when he outgrew that, we would just get him a twin bed. We went to Furniture Row and found a solid wood, very boy-looking twin bed where 1) you don't need a box spring and 2) there are two levels to put the bed at. When he was it, he immediately climbed up on it and layed down on the pillow. So, it just might work! However, we don't have a mattress or sheets or anything else, so we will fight the crib battle for a little longer til we can get it all together. Plus, he new room is full of newborn baby stuff, so until we know if we are having a boy or girl, and until we have time to move everything out, he will just have to make due!

Really, though, it isn't much of a fight. He is a very good climber (he has gotten in trouble a few times at school for climbing) so we aren't really worried about him getting out. Except yesterday he threw a HISSY FIT when the door didn't open immediately! He will just have to learn to come look for us if we aren't there, although I am not looking forward to that at 3 am! His monitor doesn't work in our new house (too far between the rooms) so we are depending on our very own ears to hear him, which are slightly less than perfect!

Oh well, can't wait to get started on my two babies new rooms. Just having to wait til Wed. to see what kind of room the 2nd room will look like!

In other news, have a great memorial day. We have several in our family in the military, so while we are cooking out and swimming we will try to take a few minutes to remember them and their families who give up so much for our country!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Since preparing for a new little one and moving into a new house, we have been discussing a new "big boy" bed for Spencer? What should his big boy room look like? Should it be a twin bed or a toddler bed? Should it be a cutsy bed, a boy-type bed, or just a generic bed. All these big decisions. But what we knew was that he would stay in the crib until his second birthday, when we would surprise him with his room. And we were waiting til we found out what we were having this time around before we made ANY decisions. Of course, I have been looking here and there and found a few cute things from
But we still have one more week before we can make any formal decisions about the actual bed, so we are waiting...

THEN, this morning, we heard Spencer rousing in his crib and Matt meandered back to get him while I fixed some cinnamon toast. Turns out, Spencer met Matt at his door! "Good Morning!! I have FREEDOM!!!" So, this could be a one time thing, or it could be the start to the end! I am on a little more frantic search for a bed, but still can't quite decide what to do. But from now on, there is no guarantee that just because we left spencer in his crib, he will be there when we go to get him! YIKES!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I love that Kid.

Spencer is starting to get at the age where he is a little frustrating. He loves to do all the things he is not supposed to do and you constantly have to keep track of him to see what he is getting into. It took us a little while to find all the cabinet latches for the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, so the past week and a half have been spent cleaning up everything he has pulled out, putting things "a little higher," and listening to fits when he can't get what he wants. Of course, he also has taken a liking to splashing in the puppy's water bowl and throwing her food around the house. NICE!

BUT, last night, as always, he redeemed himself. He brought me a DVD of the Wiggles that we had pulled out of the box (the DVD wasn't actaully in it, but still, we found it). Then, after watching for just a few minutes (I figured we MIGHT last through 2 songs) while I layed on the couch, he climbed up on the couch and layed down with me and we finished the whole video. Now, we started somewhere in the middle, but it lasted a good 15-20 minutes. I can't remember a time when Spencer was still (and awake) for more than 5 minutes! What a needed time of refreshing and cuddling with my 20 month old! Can you believe it has been 20 months?!? I can't.

So, despite all the headaches and tantrums, I still love this kid. He just does little things that make it all worth it. And with our second on the way (dr. checkup is today), it is good to have those little reminders of how we can put up with the bad days, when the good days-or at least good 15 minutes-are so good

Friday, May 14, 2010

Real Quick!

So, we are (mostly) in our new home. It has been a long day and a half, what with all the closings, moving, unpacking, etc. I mostly have my kitchen unpacked, but everything else is just laying in wait.

The only hassle we have had in the whole process is our oven. Quite simply, it doesn't work. Luckily, 1) the homeowner promised to fix it (he just failed to mention he would LOOK at it the night before we closed, and that there were no parts to fix the said oven), and 2) we have home owners warranty. So, this morning, we met the repair man, who said there was nothing he could do. Of course, all he can do is recommend a new oven. So, now we are waiting to hear from the warranty company.And, until then, I am released from baking! YIPPIE-and YIKES, what are we going to eat-perhaps lots of McDonalds is coming our way!

Anyway, I am trying to do a little, rest a little, as my little growth inside slows me down just a bit.

Spencer went to his Nana's house til late last night, when he came over to spend the night. His eyes got HUGE when I opened the door and he saw all of his stuff in a different place. No one got a lot of sleep last night, but enough that we were able to get up and going this morning. Spencer is a little out of his element, so he was glad to see his friends at day care. He is going to spend tonight with Nana so we can get things a little more organized and not have to chase him around as he "unpacks" things!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Moving Day!

It is moving day! Can't wait to get up, go sign about 1000 papers and then move! We have Cici and Pappy coming over, and Nana is on baby duty after school for the next couple of days, and the Sunday School class is on backup duty if we don't get it done by Saturday.

I have already ordered the mandatory moving pizza to be delivered tomorrow, called every utility company in existence, and packed up all my "normal" clothes that I won't be wearing for about 9 mos!

The Lord has been so good to us, given us more than we ever asked for, and we are trusting him to continue as we finish the process up. Then, it will be time to get ready for baby #2...we have to keep ourselves busy til June 1 when we will find out what we are having. Shouldn't be hard, since we willl have a whole house to decorate!

Anyway it is well past time to go to bed, but I am a little wired due to my "need" for a Blizzard after our girls' Bible study tonight. Chocolate Truffle Blizzards are good, but rich. I barely at maybe 1/10 of it and I was ok, but then I had to go back for one more bite before I finished up some packing and now I don't know if I will ever sleep again. I guess this is a good time to have that problem, but tomorrow I might be singing a different tune!

Besides that, the dog thinks I need to stay up all night with her. SHe just told me so. I think she is worried about why things keep disappearing from our house!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Andddd, we're moving. Just like that!

On Thursday, we will be making our way about 2.5 miles to the East to move into our new home. I know, it is a long distance trip...we better make it all in one haul, right? Guess again. I am boycotting packing up anything in a drawer (that is mvoing) or on a hanger. I might just throw everything into a laundry basket, unload it, and go back for more. or maybe, like our firewood, leave it for the new people.

We are all in a tizzy about our new pink bathroom. We found cute charcoal gray towels and rugs on sale, so we snatched those up. I guess our theme will be pink and gray/black! I am thinking of painting the walls above the tile gray, but we will see. We might not be doing a whole lot til after the newest one arrives. He/she better understand all we are doing to prepare for his/her arrival! At least it is keeping me if 6 college students from China isn't enough to do the job! Just 3 weeks til we find out what we are having...I hope it's a baby!

Really, though, it's not so much that I "just want a healthy baby," although that is most definately the case. It is just that I have very compelling reasons for wanting a boy or a girl. You see, I come from a 1 boy/1 girl family, and it kind of makes everything complete. Plus, it would be fun to get to go to dance classes, make hair bows, and all that kind of girly stuff.

BUT, think of the fun (read: MAKING MOM CRAZY) Spencer would have with a brother. They will be so close in age, I would hope they would be best friends... although they will probably fight like...well, like brothers! In addition, I already know about boy babies, I already have all the stuff, and boys are just easier in some ways... different ways, but still. At least you can give them a stick and a rock and they can be entertained-even though they will hit you with the stick and throw the rock in the the bird bath (and then want to splash in it).

So, while healthy baby is right up there on top of my list, it's really that I just have two lists going and in 3 weeks, I will toss one away and focus on the reality that is coming to the Horton Herd in November!

But until, then, feel free to come move a box or two.