This week, I have had to work late helping with VBS for the Good Sam Mission. We had a blast; they have a lot of great kids out there who just enjoy being able to get out of the house and hang out for a bit. I hope they actually learned something this week as well!
Spencer went on Monday because Matt was out of town, and he had a great time. It was so cute to see him walking around with the "big" kids (who were 2-4) in his group and playing games. Of course, he got to be the leader's kid and leave the group to follow mom around whenever he wanted, but come on, he is still a couple of months away from two, so I think it is ok.
But the funniest, and cutest, things that he has picked up on is tummy time. He didn't sleep well when Matt was out of town, and until tonight, would not go to bed til I got home. He would scream and scream til we got him out of bed and he could snuggle with mom for a little bit. Because my tummy is getting more and more round, it is kind of hard to lay on me, so we started snuggling on the couch. To try to get him to get drowsy, I started rubbing his tummy...then he started picking up his shirt and saying, "tummy," every time I stopped. For about 20 min. on Tues. and Wed. I had to rub his tummy before he would fall asleep.
Even though I don't advocate Spencer staying up til 9:45 every night, it was kind of nice, and one of the last few chances I will get to give him my total attention, so I can't complain about coming home to that! Now, if I can just get some sleep, all will be well!