Monday, May 24, 2010

I love that Kid.

Spencer is starting to get at the age where he is a little frustrating. He loves to do all the things he is not supposed to do and you constantly have to keep track of him to see what he is getting into. It took us a little while to find all the cabinet latches for the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, so the past week and a half have been spent cleaning up everything he has pulled out, putting things "a little higher," and listening to fits when he can't get what he wants. Of course, he also has taken a liking to splashing in the puppy's water bowl and throwing her food around the house. NICE!

BUT, last night, as always, he redeemed himself. He brought me a DVD of the Wiggles that we had pulled out of the box (the DVD wasn't actaully in it, but still, we found it). Then, after watching for just a few minutes (I figured we MIGHT last through 2 songs) while I layed on the couch, he climbed up on the couch and layed down with me and we finished the whole video. Now, we started somewhere in the middle, but it lasted a good 15-20 minutes. I can't remember a time when Spencer was still (and awake) for more than 5 minutes! What a needed time of refreshing and cuddling with my 20 month old! Can you believe it has been 20 months?!? I can't.

So, despite all the headaches and tantrums, I still love this kid. He just does little things that make it all worth it. And with our second on the way (dr. checkup is today), it is good to have those little reminders of how we can put up with the bad days, when the good days-or at least good 15 minutes-are so good

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