Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This is how spencer says, "Yes ma'am,"-"manna." It is very cute and sweet, though he still has to be prompted to say more than "Yeah," it is nice that he is willing to try. Of course, he has to want it pretty bad to even say "yeah," as NO is his automatic response. Even his no is pretty cute, but at the same time very frustrating.

"Spencer will you bring mommy the pen?"
"Spencer, I am not really asking. I need you to bring mommy the pen now."
"Spencer, you don't say no to mommy. Do you need to go sit in time out?"

WHAT?!? I don't think he get it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

pictures, explained somwhat

So here is my problem. Since we have moved, we haven't really had any batteries for our camera, so i have really only been taking pictures with my phone. I have tried a few times to upload those pictures, but without success. But this morning, since my son is sleeping in, I am actually trying to put the 500+ pictures from my phone onto my computer so I can share with you! It might take a while, so be patient...but don't worry, i won't share all 500+!

Here are some of my cool guy, taken with a fun little picture app, some of the things I have been making:

OK, I think that's enough for now. I hear someone stirring...


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Stuff

Yesterday we were blessed with a wonderful patio cover, and today we are getting a patio floor. The Lord is good! Next up-regrading the back yard and new french doors and working on the electrical stuff inside. Then, we will be out of money and out of energy, except it will be time to decorate Spencer's big boy room and Annabelle's baby girl room. THEN, it will be time to have a baby. At least we are keeping our selves busy!

If I get time, and get the batteries charged, I will take pictures. Since I can't make my iPhone blogger app work, I will have to do it the hard way-yuck!

Friday, June 18, 2010

There are men at my house...

This morning, Spencer and I were out enjoying the front yard when a man walked around from the back. At first a little worried, he assured me that he was just here to build a shed for us. what a nice idea. See, he was supposed to come out on Tuesday but he overheated; then he was supposed to come Wednesday, but his truck broke down; then he was supposed to come on Thursday, but he only had time to drop off all of the materials before returning his borrowed truck. But TODAY, he was there are 7:30 ready to go! And from the reports I am getting from my husband, he is putting on the shingles now (at 11:15).

AND, there is a Terminix man checking for termite damage on our house. After "the flood," we lifted the carpet and I saw a few little rice looking critters hanging around on the wooden tag board that keeps the carpet down. So I called in the guy who did the initial inspection, and he couldn't find anything (of course, I couldn't find any of the tagboard to show him, and the little critters disappeared before I could take their picture). but he said it sounded like termites and there was no way to tell what might be lurking in our walls until it is just about too late. In the time between my discovery and his visit, I talked with a friend who had a similar (but worse) situation and had a contract for termite control. However, the contract only covered the termites themselves, not any of the damage they did. but terminix will cover at least some of the damage if they sneak in on their watch. UPDATE: So, it appears there might be termites, and terminix only wants a whopping $950 to treat $200 to guarantee they won't come to visit again. Hmm...decisions, decisions...

AND, this afternoon an electrician or two are going to come see if they can fix the inside wiring on our house before it explodes! What a concept! Now, if only we can convince the warranty company to approve it...

In totally other news,
1) i am so bummed that my iPhone app for my blog won't let me post pictures! what's a blog without pictures...and of course, i don't have the pictures i want to send on my computer!

2) my bosses daughter-in-law, Lindsey Pond, just found out that she is cancer free! on her 27th birthday! after her 2nd round with breast cancer. what a reason to celebrate. I think I will celebrate for her this weekend! You can read more of her story at

3) I really want to go pick blueberries, but when, when, when???

Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Weekend

We had a good weekend with the Horton Herd. Our goal was to stay home and just get things put away. It was an interesting feat, giving a 20 mon. running at our heels the whole time, wanting to "help." but also wanting to play, and cuddle, and go outside...

But we really got a lot done. Our living room/office and playroom/dining room are really looking nice. We don't have anything on the walls, really, so the closets are full of stuff that we decorate with, but that can come later. Mostly, we just had to put things where they belonged and make a place for things so that random things don't just keep piling up in weird places! It feels so good to be able to look through the "living" part of our house and no see just clutter everywhere. There are still a few boxes visible, but they are ok for now.

Then, I finally got my closet organized, along with my crafts area. It has taken some time to get there, but it was finally time that could wait no more, we Spencer and I tackled it! It is also nice to 1) have a tv to watch in bed, even if it is in the back corner, and 2) be able to see the floor! Not everything is where is will go permanately, but it is UP, meaning that it is not in the middle of the floor.

Now, we weren't completely successful at staying home all weekend. We went to a garage sale and found a cradle for Annabelle and a dresser for Spencer's new room. It currently has a gariffe head sticking out from it and we are trying to figure out what we can make it into. I will try to post a pic later, as that is kind of a strange description! Spencer also found some blocks and a potty he couldn't live without. We aren't really actively potty training, but we are letting him play with it for the time being (we did wash it out). Basically, when I go to the bathroom, I tell him to go sit on the potty while I sit on the potty. It works for a second or two! But it is fun for him, and he doesn't even know what is coming, so no harm is being done.

I also had to get out and buy some baby stuff this weekend. Once I know what I am having, there is just no stopping me! It wasn't real til i could buy stuff! So, it has been fun but I have a pretty good closet full of clothes plus promises of used clothes from friends, so now I have to stop!! At least with the clothes...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

counting our blessings

Well, despite our many housing disasters, Matt and I have been counting our blessings. It is the only way to keep our sanity in the midst of so much craziness. It is just so hard to feel so out of control-but maybe that should be our...
1st blessing-we are learning that we can't always be in control
2nd- we are learning how to handle crisis' without flipping out
3rd- God has provided in every situation-either through the home warranty and repair people, friend who have come to our aid, or the financial ability to just pay for it
4th-in the last situation, we are just glad that the electricity had been turned back on so that we were home to even know that there was a problem coming-which allowed us to act quickly

I won't say this has been an easy week, or an easy month, but we are all still standing and the house is still standing, and it is truly becoming our house. I won't say I hope this is the end of everything, (even though I do) because I know that it is not. We have a lot more decisions to make and a lot more people to lean on in the future. But we have great friends and a great network of people who are along for the journey, and Our God is taking care of us. So don't feel sorry for us, just be ready to come help when we call!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Let there be light!

In case you haven't heard, we have been without electricity for about 3 days, but we finally are up and running-just barely, but enough to move back home. Here are a few answers to your frequently asked questions:

1) Why don't you have electricity?
We woke up Sunday morning in a slightly warm house and no electricity in the kitchen and dining room (which holds the thermostat, and thus no air conditioning). we called the home warranty guys, but being a Sunday, didn't expect much. then we called TXU and they came out to show us how our wires outside had burned up and thus, no electricity in part of the house. In order to fix it, they had to disconnect all the electricity, and it has taken about 3 days to get it fixed.

2) What happened to your wires?
Initially, we thought the house had been struck by lightning, and therefore the wires were damaged and with us moving in, the extra load caused them to burn up. As they got further in, though, they discovered it was faulty wires that caused all the problems. In fact, the inside wires are as faulty as the outside, but they haven't burned up yet, so we will have to get them fixed pretty soon.

3) Who's gonna pay for all this?
The warranty company didn't think they wanted to pay for it when we thought it was a lightning problem, but we are hoping that since it isn't, and the wires just kind of "wore out," the warranty company will reconsider and pay for both the inside and outside wires! Pray with us for that as it would save us about $1500.

4) Why did it take so long to get it fixed?
First because it happened on the weekend, then they called a company who couldn't come time Thursday, THEN the local company didn't come til the end of the day Monday. They almost finished everything on Tuesday, but needed inthe house and we couldn't get there, so they had to come out this morning to finish the job.

5) Where have you been living for 3 days?
At Matt's mom's house. Thank goodness she lives in Tyler and has room for us!

6) What can go wrong next?
Oh, did I mention someone stole my credit card number and set up a paypal account? Yeah, that happened too!

What a fun week. But things are looking up! I got the credit card cancelled, the lights are back on, and we are home again!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Now that it is for real...

Well, folks, it didn't take us long to find our bedding for our new baby girl. After looking around for a bit, I sent Matt 5-6 options and he found his favorite. Then, I just HAPPENED to be on ebay when i found a NEW set for a ridiculously low price, so, i bid, just to see what might happen.

Long story short, we won the bedding for about half price!

In case you can't see by the picture, it is a toile pattern. The current plan is to paint the walls gray and pink (to match the pink bathroom) and maybe a dark black strip down the middle.

It is amazing how quickly how things happen sometimes!

It's A...

girl! Spencer is going to have a little sister come November. Having convinced myself it was my lot in life to have two boys, it is kind of a change of mindset to be expecting a girl. See, about a month before I got pregnant with Spencer, I started making bows and even thought I might start up a little side business. Then, we found out we were expecting, and there was so much to look at for the new baby that I forgot about the bows-til the sonogram. Then, when we found out it was a little boy, i pretty much put everything away unless i had a friend who was having a girl or something.

So this time, I never let myself believe that we would have a girl, and just put all that fru-fru nonsense out of my mind. So now, I have to revamp and begin thinking about bows and tutus and pink and prissy!!! YIKES!

I will try to share some of my ideas for the nursery soon. It is just kind of hard now because I have a little boy in my lap who has to watch the cookie monster video-C is for Cookie on his half of the computer screen! Anytime anyone is on the computer, he has to watch his movies! Mostly Elmo (momo) but then, it usually turns to Cookie Monster, and now he wants to watch Cbby Cadabby-a new girl on Sesame Street.

OK, I am off to my mother's high school retirement party (I keep referring to it as her graduation). She has been teaching since I was in the 2nd grade, so it has been a great career for her!