Thursday, July 29, 2010

a new kind of tummy time

This week, I have had to work late helping with VBS for the Good Sam Mission. We had a blast; they have a lot of great kids out there who just enjoy being able to get out of the house and hang out for a bit. I hope they actually learned something this week as well!

Spencer went on Monday because Matt was out of town, and he had a great time. It was so cute to see him walking around with the "big" kids (who were 2-4) in his group and playing games. Of course, he got to be the leader's kid and leave the group to follow mom around whenever he wanted, but come on, he is still a couple of months away from two, so I think it is ok.

But the funniest, and cutest, things that he has picked up on is tummy time. He didn't sleep well when Matt was out of town, and until tonight, would not go to bed til I got home. He would scream and scream til we got him out of bed and he could snuggle with mom for a little bit. Because my tummy is getting more and more round, it is kind of hard to lay on me, so we started snuggling on the couch. To try to get him to get drowsy, I started rubbing his tummy...then he started picking up his shirt and saying, "tummy," every time I stopped. For about 20 min. on Tues. and Wed. I had to rub his tummy before he would fall asleep.

Even though I don't advocate Spencer staying up til 9:45 every night, it was kind of nice, and one of the last few chances I will get to give him my total attention, so I can't complain about coming home to that! Now, if I can just get some sleep, all will be well!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Last weekend, at Korean Camp, I took spencer swimming. At first he was scared, but he took to it like a true boy and was jumping off the steps before I knew it! He even knew how to "kick, kick, kick!"

Sorry, i am still trying to get the pictures where I want them, but I have landscapers regrading my yard right now and Spencer wants to "help."
Can someone help me figure out how to move my pictures. They all display in a weird order, but here they are...last night, the girls came over for girls night and we made fun cupcakes for our families-even at ladies night, we are still thinking of our husbands and kids-unless they at them all on the way home!!

Dog in a Tutu!

Suzy helped me model Annabelle's tutu the other day. As you can see, she is super excited about a sister!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm back!

Spencer and I are home from Korean Camp. we had a great time, and he is growing to love swimming. At first, he was like, "no way, i don't think so, mom. are you crazy? look at all that water." but I took him in anyway.

By the second day, he was jumping off the steps into my arms and kick, kick, kicking around the shallow end. He had a great time and didn't want to get out.

Then, he made a few friends his age, but, as almost 2 year olds are notorious for, they weren't all that interested in playing with each other. Maybe a hi here or there but otherwise, everyone pretty much stuck close to their parents.

What he did make friends with was frogs. We saw one frog one day and spent much of our time thereafter on a frog hunt. We found a few here and there, which was delightful, I must say. Not much beats chasing a frog with a stick!

He also is captivated with music, especially guitar music. Gwen came to sing for us, and he pretty much stopped everything to listen to her. He has since found an old toy guitar that I bought for a quarter at a garage sale (because it doesn't make any noise) and has been carrying it around "playing" it.

So we had a blast, we are tired, and I think I am going to lay down now for the next 5-10 min. before he wakes up from his nap!

Have a good, restful Sunday before you start your week!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Vacation-all alone-and at home

Due to an unique set of events, I am getting to take 2 days off where Matt has to work and Spencer can go to school (I'm paying for it whether or not he goes, so he might as well go)! What to do with my time? I could shop, I could sleep, I could....clean? Actually, we have been so busy and will continue to be so busy, I have a feeling i will be spending my extra days cleaning up a little.

See, we worked really hard when we first moved in to get things unpacked, at least in the "public" places. Then, we had a series of disasters that kind of took our minds off the little decorating things-hanging pictures, unpacking our childhood things into closets where they can live forever, etc.

Then, we got busy getting Annabelle's nursery and Spencer's big boy rooms ready and still haven't gotten to the last few boxes.

Add that to the fact that Spencer got into the sharpee pile and went crazy on our furniture while I was doing something that obviously required all my attention, and it all adds up to a "fun" vacation of cleaning and toddler-proofing the house.

Now, I am not totally going to work myself to death-i'm not that committed. The goal is to clean for 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon, and then I can do whatever I want after that. If you include Saturday into the equation, that should give me a good 6 hrs of cleaning-more than enough, even with my extra long list (and if I don't finish, I will survive).

So, if you are looking for something to do over the next 3-4 days, feel free to come over and empty some boxes, organize some closets, vaccuum, or clean toilets. All offers (at least the free ones) will be accepted!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spencer's Cool

Matt said I had to post about Spencer's newest catch-phrase. This weekend, Matt taught Spencer to say, "Spencer's Cool." It is too cute, really. Spencer won't say it on his own, but he is working on it. It kind of sounds like "Spncer Coo" but that doesn't even begin to describe it. So, if you see Spencer around, ask him if he is cool and maybe he will say it for you.

In other news, Happy Independence Day! We had a fun weekend, and Matt is staying with Spencer tomorrow while I go to work! But I get Friday and maybe Thursday off to be home alone, so I am not complaining! We will see how the boys fare on their own.

In other other news, we bought paint for Spencer's big boy room and Annabelle's nursery today. We finally cleaned out her room so you could walk in, and it is starting to make some sense. Can't wait to see the final result!

Finally, this little girl is wearing her mommy out! she has started dancing around in my belly, just to remind me that she is there-not that she can be ignored at this point. We will be at 23 weeks on Wed. Getting closer.

Well, i better put this little girl to bed now. Hope you all didn't stay out too late with your fireworks-yes i heard them, and they better not wake my little boy up!