Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sorting Day Miracle

So, I took today off to get our house organized! I try every weekend to pick up, vacuum, and clean the bathrooms. Matt takes care of the kitchen. But we have closets (and a garage) full of items that we either don't want or don't want to get rid of but don't have the room for. You know what I am talking about-books, nails, picture frames, outgrown baby clothes. The attic is full and it is getting time to downsize. The rule is, if you haven't used it for its purpose in the 3 years+ that we have lived here, it needs to go away.

So, on to the miracle. Before I could tackle the storage closets, I had to clean up the garage and organize what we want to keep and what we want to sell or give away (and what doesn't really belong to us and needs to go back to its home). THEN, I had to go through all of Spencer's clothes and take out the winter/outgrown clothes and find all of his next size clothes. This included boxing up all the outgown clothes according to whether it belongs to him or not (we had a generous clothing donor, but they have to go back). THEN, i tackled the "office." This includes a huge closet full of all my gift bags, including the bazillon baby bags that came for spencer, Christmas bags, etc. It also includes all the office supplies that we need but don't have a place for. Also, Matt's books that he "hasn't used for their purpose in 3+ years."

Now, as I am just about done doing what I can reach with out a chair, I look down and notice that something is missing...what is wrong with this picture? Oh, no wedding ring?!? How could that be?!? My wedding ring has been loose basically since I got pregnant with Spencer, and this brings back memories of right after he was born. We were having our best friends over, and just before they arrived, I realized I had lost my wedding ring! Spencer was just a few months old, sleeping in his little seat, and I was freaking out! While everyone was busy catching up and chatting, I was trying to descretly tear the house apart. My friend Neta noticed something was wrong and quickly organized a search party. Steven found the ring, under the not-so-sleeping-at-this-point Spencer! Now, he is known as Uncle Steve! But I digress...

I try to think about everything I have touched today-a lot. I am thinking, this is the end of my sorting day. I am going to spend the rest of the day un-sorting. But I tried to keep a calm head. I walked around looking on the floor for a bit, then I just tackled it. I started with my sack of trash, I don't know why, it just seemed like a good idea. I pulled everything out, thinking, "I am probably pulling the ring out with the trash." But just as I got to the bottom, there was a shiny silver, round item.

Can you believe it. The first box of probably 20 that I had dealt with today had my ring in it. Needless to say, the ring is currently in its ring holder for the rest of the day...or at least til I go pick the boy up from day care. Anyway, I had to take a little break to tell you about m y sorting day miracle.

Here is a picture of the day I got my ring:

Now, off to finish sorting day!

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