Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So, I don’t know if other children have an affinity for certain numbers, but Spencer is particularly fond of 2 and B. If you are counting items, he will count by 2’s- 2, 2, 2,2. He doesn’t really know that means he has 4, but he is counting. Then, we moved his changing table over by a wall decoration that is words, and he calls every letter B. I guess it is good that he is figuring out letters and numbers (although on the wall decoration, he calls the numbers B, but come on, he is only 17 mos). It is just funny that he has caught on to the 2nd number/letter, not the first. I guess he isn’t paying that much attention when you start, but figures it out by the second.


Oh, if I could just read his mind sometimes, though I don’t know if I really want to!

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