Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh yes I did- and he survived

So spencer has gotten on a tv kick- which I know makes me a terrible mom but he is just so darn cute... And still... For about 2 minutes! What a break!!

And a lot of the reason I havenlet him watch tv is because he is driving me crazy wanting to watch wiggles videos on you tube- and go fish and Mickey mouse club - whatever we can find. No one can play on the computer without those sweet eyes pleding for some music- and laying it on thick by signing ( his sign) for music -and please...

So in an effort to get him distracted fromnyou tube I havenlet him watch tv . It is kind of like that movie with the plane crash and Ben aflac and the girl ( the girl from moss congenality) tells him that she got addicted to smoking when she tried to help her friend stop
Smoking by chewing the gum with her. She started smoking to try to stop chewing the gum.

So we are using tv to get him off the you tube. Perhaps not the best choice but it has been too cold to go outside.


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